The hypocrisy of the West is boundless

Recently, a Chinese “weather balloon” flew over the USA and was shot down. Instantly Pres. Biden with the so called “liberal media” BBC and CNN began beating the drums of provocation and war.

What is conveniently forgotten is that the USA and allies invaded, occupied and ruined more than 50 nations since World War 2 and continues to create and spread conflict globally without end in sight?

The USA is currently engaged in several proximity and direct wars and seeks war with China as well.

Example, with the help of Islamic State (IS) which is a creation of the USA intelligent services as verified by former Pres. Donald Trump, the USA occupy large parts of Syria where they steal the oil.

The USA and allies did the same in Iraq but was defeated by Iran. Immediately after its defeat in Afghanistan under the shield of “puritanical Islam” the USA sent Islamic State to blow-up mosques in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Any Muslim who thinks that Islamic State is a benefit to global Islam or Muslims must ask themselves a simple question, why does Islamic State kill mostly Muslims and enjoy blowing up Mosques, whilst both actions are clearly illegal in Islam? Also, where does Islamic State get the endless supply of high quality advanced American made weapons and technology?

Global politics and its side-kick, predatory capitalism, theft of resources and corruption of puppet political leaders has been the norm for centuries but the levels of hypocrisy are currently next level.

The American industrial complex that controls the American political system does not allow the American people to breathe. Whilst running like children from the Taliban who retook Afghanistan in flip-flops without socks, the USA started a war in Ukraine and now is preparing for war with China.

The war with China started long ago but moved up a notch when the USA hired Antony Blinken an arrogant fool as Foreign Minister. Within minutes of his first meeting with the Chinese ambassador Blinken’s rudeness was so chaotic that the Chinese ambassador reminded Blinken that his language and attitude was undiplomatic and rude. It seems as if the USA did not learn humility or anything else from its military defeat in Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran and South East Asia over the past decades.

The point is that the USA and its allies are also spying on many other nations, just ask Julian Assange.

It’s tough to take the moral high ground when you have a history of spying, deceit and mass murder.

Cllr Yagyah Adams

Cape Muslim Congress





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