The world is dominated by criminal gangs

South Africa is injured by corruption etc. which is also a global issue. Even before Jesus the Messiah, criminals enforced their desire with threats of violence or worse. Some gang syndicates managed to ransom entire nations. In truth, the Roman Empire was mainly a criminal syndicate who used the known world as a resource to benefit a few families in Rome. British and European colonialism did the same, sending wealth from Africa and elsewhere to a few families in England and Europe.

The more things change the more they stay the same.

Since elections are costly, Pres. Obama spend a $1 billion. Those who donate want a return on investment. The US weapons Industry who donate to Republican and Democrats sell weapons globally. Thus generating endless conflict is needed as the weapons industry profit from war.

Those sponsored by the weapons industry like to talk rubbish about Islamic terrorism, Russian expansionism and Chinese control of the global economy etc. The plan is/was and will be to send the working classes to fight/die whilst the rich profit and inspire more conflict. CNN, BBC, FOX and other media gangsters owned by business aligned to the weapons industry or beholden to a “bought” politician entertain with the rhetoric of fighting for democracy/freedom and other empty words.

So it does not matter if Donald Trump or Kamala Harris wins the USA elections. The USA as a nation is “owned” by private political investors who dictate to government, including foreign policy.

This is why few Democrats and Republicans can criticize Israel even when Israel murders 45 000 Palestinians of which 70% are woman and children. AIPAC the Zionist lobby group sponsors many USA politicians. Alternatively if you are a threat AIPAC, will run a campaign against your election.

Essentially US voters are irrelevant as a few “investors” manage the USA. Pres. Biden is a typical example of a leader with mental issues as explained by Donald Trump. In Pres. Biden’s family are drug/alcohol addicts. This was hidden until Donald Trump bowed to AIPAC and other “political investors”, afterwards Pres. Biden’s family issues were highlighted.

The worse off the market is, the better the opportunities are to profit. That’s seemingly the credo for contrarian investing. Nathan Rothschild, 19th-century British financier and member of the Rothschild banking family, is credited with saying that “the time to buy is when there’s blood in the streets.”

What regular folk must know is, a few evil politicians and business people, kill people for profit.

Justice is not free and requires great effort. Genuine God fearing Jews, Christian, Muslims etc. must become/remain warriors for truth and justice. Everything else is really religious wordplay/posturing.

Cllr Yagyah Adams

Cape Muslim Congress


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