Zionism is a godless evil

Zionists who use their influence to cause harm must be identified. Example, Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein raped and sexually abused hundreds of woman. They subverted global justice for decades. Both were helped by Zionist Secret Service who threatened/cajoled etc. those involved.

Zionist Roger Ailes founder of FOX News, the most powerful voice in the USA, sexually harassed 20 woman at FOX News. Epstein, Weinstein and Ailes used similar methods of manipulation and fear.

Sam Bankman Fried stole $10 billion from investors reflects the mentality as many Zionists think it is “cool” to manipulate and abuse. Mathew Kassel a journalist from the “New York Times and Jewish Insider” said Bankman Fried donated millions to both Republican and Democratic politicians “who cultivated good Israeli, USA relations”. The USA is not “the land of the free or the brave” as Zionists threaten universities including Columbia to limit freedom of speech and block Palestinian activities.

Zionists in the USA Congress and Senate want the words “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” to be condemned as hate speech. How is this possible in the USA which considers itself the great democracy and a bastion of freedom? How can killers like Biden/Netanyahu lecture students on freedom of expression etc. when Prime Evil Netanyahu tells the world not to lecture Israel?

Netanyahu threatens nations who protests the genocide of 40 000 Palestinians. To draw appeal Zionists misuse the holocaust and attack holocaust survivors who support freedom and dignity for Palestinians. Then Zionist continue to engage in global criminal activities, including assassinations.

Imagine Pres. PW Both or De Klerk had killed Nelson Mandela or Thabo Mbeki. With whom would the National Party had negotiated for peace In South Africa?  For decades Zionists continually kills the leaders of the secular PLO and the Islamic Hamas, who else is left to talk peace with in Palestine?

Historically, Zionist crimes in the USA was so cruel/brazen, it fuelled anti-Semitism and upset the traditional Jewish community who were afraid to speak. What we witness today is no different.

Zionists subvert both the Jewish and other communities globally and threaten our collective desire for peace/justice. Thus liberating Palestinians is only the beginning of the struggle against Zionism.

Zionism is like a vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity determined to suck our lifeblood until we stop resisting or die. Defeating Zionism is necessary for the survival of humanity.

Zionism defiles the message of the Torah brought down from Mount Sinai by Moses whilst the godless Zionists danced in worship of a golden calf giving God the middle finger all at the same time.

Cllr Yagyah Adams

Cape Muslim Congress



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