We need better leaders
Writing this letter is exhausting. Decades ago, as a 10yr old, my grandfather a life-long Azzavia Murid (student) made me promise never to attack the repute of any religious scholar. I did not know why he compelled me to take an oath back then but today, I understand.
The leaked Commission of Inquiry (COI) of internal Muslim Judicial Council (MJC) issues is deliberate.
More than a year ago I attended the election of the MJC President, office bearers and executive members. What happened since then can best be described as political shenanigans.
What is unfolding at the MJC has little to do with Quran (God’s instruction) and Sunnah (practice of the prophet) or the Muslim community. It is the result of “sour grapes” and reprisal. The President beat a strong contender but that victory was not without strategy or without consequence. Had others who planned to contest the election, partook, the vote could have been divided and the President could have lost, as the margins were narrow. Discouraging a divided vote and uniting in support of one person, continuity was assured. Caucusing occurred as in any other political election.
Watching the behaviour of the defeated was telling as anger and resentment and distress was obvious. Though I did not know about the financial issues at that time, many who participated, did.
The question is, why those who knew about the financial issues before, waited until after they lost the election to take the moral high ground. The inquiry is brought into question as some appointed to investigate had a clear conflict of interest. They acted after they suffered a humiliating defeat and it seems that they now want to spread the humiliation instead of managing the situation in-house.
Also, as Chairman of the Municipal Public Accounts Committee (MPAC) I recently received a note of congratulations from the Mayor for my contributions towards the City of Cape Town’s clean audit.
If a Commission of Inquiry was needed at the MJC I am the most qualified person for the job.
Due to the media leaks and negative publicity and shenanigans around this issue I suggest a new election is held for all the top positions at the MJC. However, none of those in-office and none who contested in the recent election must be permitted to stand. Their involved in this issue has tainted their innocence as we do not know who leaked the (COI) report as they all knew about its details.
We must have fresh but not necessarily new leadership. Thus, only those who are MJC members for more than 10 years should be eligible for election. We cannot have new-comers unfamiliar with the history and traditions of the organisation and community, dictating a way forward. The age of the Mullah who just graduated who think they know everything about everything must come to an end.
The long term reputation of the MJC and Muslim community is more important than any individual.
The Muslim community has enough problems and do not need religious leaders who behave like politicians at a Council lunch. The fighting and gossiping is reminiscent of woman at a Woollies sale.
Since nobody is perfect and we all error, forgiveness is vital but that does not mean we should forget. We need better leaders and if that requires another election, then that is what is required.
Cllr Yagyah Adams
Cape Muslim Congress
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