We are a nation fighting each other.
After centuries of divide and rule, we were recently told by some politicians, that we are a nation.
The reality is that South Africa is not really a homogenous nation and few want to speak about this because even less people know how to solve our problems. To explain nation building is theoretically misleading and giving realistic examples is a more practical way of clarifying the issues.
Example, President Ramaphosa spoke at the State of the Nation about the need for business to create jobs. It is clear that the State cannot create jobs since the corruption, maladministration, fruitless and wasteful outlay and overall chaos in so many government departments is shocking.
So business must create jobs as government cannot create jobs, because it simply lacks the ability.
Sadly, the average taxpayer which includes the business and middle and upper middle class generate the most revenue required to sustain the State. The poor pays almost nothing when compared with what they take in terms of social grants, free medical attention, free housing and education etc.
Oddly, when those who sustain the State ask for simple liberties, the requests are denied. The State who depends on the taxpayers, often treat the taxpayers with contempt and often as the enemy.
Example, when driving through many parts of the City of Cape Town, the vagrancy situation is obvious. Vagrants has become so bold, that they now build shelters in the center of major roads.
Question, how must business create opportunity when a restaurant owner cannot protect the customer from harassment and abuse from relentless beggars, vagrants etc.
The average middle and upper middle class taxpayer already pays about 50% tax when you consider that we pay tax on a tax. Rates and water and electricity and other services which in many countries are low-cost, we actually pay for and then pay tax on top of that service, for that service.
Question, how must municipalities govern when national government and often even the judiciary create situations where a vagrant and anyone can build whatever structure, wherever they like?
Question, what must ordinary taxpayers think and react when vagrants walk through our suburbs screaming in a drunken insane stupor in the middle of the night? The wealthy live in gated groups and have private security. The middle class that pays heavily for private medical aid and education etc. cannot sleep peacefully, because vagrant’s rights are protected by “Human Rights Activists”.
As Jesus of Nazareth said, “The poor will always be amongst us”. So we must make preparations.
Does this suggest that the middle classes who pay the majority of tax cannot have dignity in their surrounding milieu without hassle? How must business flourish when they fear vagrant rights?
Cllr Yagyah Adams
Cape Muslim Congress