I have always considered an education without common sense, partial. Dr Rapiti (“Lots to learn on addiction”, Weekend Argus July 20) should know that I paid my dues by working nearly a decade in the Welfare section at the Muslim Judicial Council. I helped countless addicts while many more rejected help. Although I earned less than a municipal cleaner, I often referred addicts for whom I found sponsors. Gaseep Jacobs, founder of Lighthouse rehab centre in Lotus River and the old staff of Toevlug rehab centre in Worcester will attest to my pioneering efforts in the early1990’s.

It is sad that Rapiti’s critique is emotive yet lacks a rational result to the addict’s criminal activity. In Cape Points (“More action needed to prevent drug use amongst children” April 26), Rapiti accuses MEC Albert Fritz of a “lack of knowledge”. He also rubbishes the City of Cape Town Matrix program that is globally accepted. All this umbrage suggests that Dr Rapiti is fixated on his own limited opinion.

He forgets that locals face several other critical issues such as serious crime, job loss, poverty, lack of service delivery and racism. Hence his “unconditional love” mantra for addicts is in short supply. Since many of us have relatives that are addicts, I have had countless cherished items stolen. This was the addict’s response to my unconditional love when I invited them to family gatherings at my home.

Though I agree with Rapiti that only a willing addict can be helped, does he expect the public to wait for “addict to become totally fed up with addiction”? In the meantime (5 or 25 yrs} should society endure the chaos because addicts have a “disease”? Is this notion of a disease encouraged so that some can make easy money out of distraught parents and from taxpayer funding?  Did the case of Ellen Packies, who out of sheer desperation killed her son, teach us nothing about intervention?

That the taxpayer already spends billions on addiction, contradicts Dr Rapiti’s view that “addicts do not have a choice”. What about the multiple media campaigns and the many public rallies. Addiction is in the primary school curriculum and warning signs are everywhere. Is the monitoring of expected criminal behaviour really that “callous”? Why should everyone suffer because addicts lack restraint? Dr Rapiti should consider why addicts are reluctant to control their actions and strive for chaos.

Since addicts produce mentally challenged children, this budget has rocketed to R895 million which is about 5.5% of the Western Cape education budget. Is this fair on the children and the taxpayers?

I believe that the availability of cheap mind altering drugs is part of a sinister project to ensure that locals remain engaged with conflict. When we are engaged with self-destruction we cannot muster meaningful political, economic or spiritual strength. Why else are drug houses allowed to flourish?

Criminalising those who generate destruction will be better for society in the long term. With the growing addiction stats, Cape Town will, in time reach a point of no return. This will arise when this generation of biblical demons {mentally unstable addicts} reproduce and outnumber the rest of us.

Finally, what is the purpose of law if not to judge criminals? In my view, fear of real captivity would be a greater deterrent than unconditional love. Lets not misplace our compassion and altruism. Let society show mercy to the innocent victims and future generations who depend on us to do what is required.

Cllr Yagyah Adams

Cape Muslim Congress


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