A few millennia ago, two angels visited Prophet Abraham to inform him that they were on route to destroy the town of Sodom and Gomorrah for its persistent evil. Abraham implored the angels to warn his relative Prophet Lot and his followers and secure their escape.

Historically God destroyed towns and nations that were evil despite the fact there were good people in that location. Either the good people failed to change the evil or they did not care enough to act.  

Nowadays God does not need to send the traditional “fire and brimstone” as he did in the Torah Bible and Quran. According to Abrahamic Epistemology, God simply withholds his mercy.

Throughout history, rain has been measured a gift and mercy from God and the absents of rain was measured as a curse. While we could talk for hours on global warming and so on, within the next 90 days if it does not rain in Cape Town, people will be talking a lot about God and not global warming.

What is needed, is for all of us to reflect on the many mercies God has bestowed upon us as a society and spend some time just being grateful. If we fail to do this on a regular basis, we only have ourselves to blame. For example, within our society there are those who work hard against that which is righteous and good in order to benefit themselves materially. We also have leaders of all sorts who will say and do anything to sustain their own corruption while ordinary people suffer.

For example, in our society the media and the Public Protector could tell us exactly who visited the Gupta compound and how often they visited. This was done via cell phone tracking etc. Yet when kids are murdered in daylight and drug dealers sell drugs without concern the criminals remain free.

Some-one in authority must be able to track the goings on of drug dealers or is that not important. Why is it when the family of the rich and famous are involved in some criminal activities they are easily assisted? Are those who are poor, less worthy of safety and security?

The point is that in our society there are evil and corrupt people in high positions and they are not a benefit to the rest of us, in reality they are a burden and a curse. If we fail to remove the evil people from their positions of influence, God may grow weary and remove his many mercies from all of us.

Then we will all suffer. Who will we then blame?

Cllr Yagyah Adams

Cape Muslim Congress

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