We have a problem
Before I am accused of forcing my values on others, it is vital to explain “the responsible citizen”.
“The responsible citizen” has knowledge about their role in their community their nation and world. “The responsible citizen” participates in activities that makes the world a better place for everyone. “The responsible citizen” activates against any social, economic, and environmental injustices etc.
Though not everyone is a “responsible citizen”, the ideal of a just society is to promote the idea of “responsible citizenry”. Example, whoever abuse drugs, alcohol etc. is not a “responsible citizen”. They are by default a liability and a strain on society. Thus the “responsible citizen” would realize that those with alcohol and drug problems etc. require and must be helped even when they refuse that help. By its nature, drug and alcohol abusers etc. are manipulative and create problems.
Under the lockdown, our government initially banned alcohol sales. Under pressure from a minority, alcohol sales reopened. When conditions at hospitals worsened because of alcohol, government again banned alcohol. Now, those who seek to corrupt society are attacking the government’s ban.
Why am I am writing about this issue?
The media must identify those persons behind the scenes who seek to create chaos during a Covid19 pandemic. These persons hide behind lawyers etc. but, their agenda is simple. Make money at the expense of others and who cares if our hospitals are overrun by incidents caused by intoxicants.
It is common knowledge that the “Dop System” was an economic and social system practiced by the oppressors to reduce people of colour into slavery. This system was active until recently. People were paid in cheap alcohol to guarantee; they remain in some state of intoxication. A semi-woozy person can be utilized for all kinds of nefarious gains and is unlikely to complain about quality of life.
We cannot allow these evil people who enjoy enslaving others, to do so in the name of “freedom of choice” or “democracy” or God forbid the “right to choose”. Evil people who sow chaos and reap wealth from addiction cannot be allowed to determine our social values. They are not “responsible citizens”. They are the enemy of a “responsible society” and we must know who they are?
The government must maintain the alcohol ban as long as necessary and until our society reduces the crime rates, the unemployment rate and the chaos which intoxicated people inflict on others.
Cllr Yagyah Adams
Cape Muslim Congres