I believe that little will change with regards to the overall ineptitude and corruptions at the highest levels of governance, unless those paid to lead, are held accountable. For example, South African Airways has had 9 turnaround strategies in 13years and 4 chief executive officers in 6 months. The 8 previous turnaround strategies cost R16 billion and last year the SAA reported a loss of R1.25 billion.
According to rural health analyst Dayan Eagar, an investigation by the Special Investigative Unit has found that over an 18-month period, R800 million was stolen by officials in the Eastern Cape health sector. “As far as we know, no one is in prison for this grand theft”.
Likewise, the SABC 2013 annual report, tabled in Parliament, Auditor-General Terence Nombembe findings include the SABC spending over R1.5 billion and not being able to provide corresponding documentation on what the money was used for. The SABC had also procured goods and services through unfair and non-transparent means. The SABC received the worst possible audit opinion. A disclaimer is issued if the Auditor-General cannot form an opinion and declines to present an opinion.
The private sector is no different.
“Aveng boss opts out after collusion penalties” a Cape Times Business Report 22 August 2013 explains a lot. Aveng chief executive Rodger Jardine who resigned stated “that the Competition Commissions investigation process had been personally very taxing, particularly as he had to deal with matters that occurred before his appointment and about which he had no knowledge”. Ironically “Building bosses score at World Cup” Cape Times 7 September 2010 pictures Jardine with a caption that reads Happy: Aveng chief executive Roger Jardine made R4.11 million.
According to Michel Templet “We have a problem when the same people who make the law, get to decide whether or not they themselves have broken the law.”
Cllr Yagyah Adams
Cape Muslim Congress