The propaganda of hypocrisy

The stabbing of Salman Rushdie again unveiled the endless and evident hypocrisy of the British and American establishment. CNN and BBC the propaganda channels for modern western imperialism had great sympathy for Rushdie. Yet, the BBC and CNN are desperate to punish WikiLeaks Australian journalist Julian Assange who has already been pre-judged and will likely never see daylight again.

The British imperial establishment has for more than 30 years protected Salman Rushdie at great cost to the taxpayer. Rushdie, for ego, name and fame, openly and deliberately deeply offended more than a billion Muslims with his provocation, allegedly in the name of freedom of expression.

Julian Assange, exposed real truth with evidence from the British and American establishment itself.

Assange did not engage in fanciful or provocative interpretation or anything. He merely released information verifying, without doubt, that the Americans, British and Australians etc. we’re killing thousands of innocent people deliberately and without provocation in Afghanistan and Iraq.

For this act of journalistic integrity, Assange was hunted and caged like an animal and will likely be driven to insanity by a system of tyranny that is designed to destroy anyone that seeks to establish truth and justice. Yet, Salman Rushdie is defended at great cost for offending a billion Muslims.

Why are these two individuals judged so differently by the same British and American imperial establishment with regards to concept of “freedom of expression”?

What is evident, is hypocrisy.

Example, as long as the war and crimes against humanity remain hidden, the British and Americans and their allies are allowed to insult, torture, brutalize and murder thousands of innocent Muslims.

Welcome to the revised version of “freedom of expression”. It can work for you or against you depending on your relationship with the authority and propaganda they require to be established.

Cllr Yagyah Adams

Cape Muslim Congress



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