The Palestinian genocide is a global wake-up call

When Jesus Christ the Messiah was oppressed and attempts were made to murder him by the Jewish Pharisees there was no internet or global or social media to detail his extreme suffering.

Millions of people continued with their lives and it took centuries for the message of Christ to fill the world. We do not have that problem today as social media allows instant access to endless evidence.

Example, the genocide of the Palestinian people by global Zionists is captured as it happens. There is no excuse for anyone to say they do not know, as the information flows freely.

This allows a greater sense of honesty as 3 basic choices exists. Number 1, support the Palestinian people, Number 2, support global Zionism and Number 3 you do not give a damn. Those who say they support peace or a negotiated settlement or whatever is fooling themselves with words.

The Palestinian genocide is easy to understand. Europeans mass murdered Jews for centuries and in exchange for this shameful history, white people decided to give Palestinian land to European Jews.

The same white people, Britain, USA, Europe, and Australia etc. hate Jews so they continue to financially support Israel and the Palestinian genocide, hoping Jews will not return to Europe etc.

Since Brown and Black people did not mass murder Jews we do not have the same guilt towards Jews and thus our collective conscience allows us to stand firm for justice and for Palestinian rights.

Why is stating the obvious so important?

When it comes to issues of oppression, mass murder and genocide, we must choose a side. Example, if you support global Zionism you are on the side of genocide and you must understand your choice.

Also, we must remember as thinking and believing people that God the Creator will ask if we made effort to establish God’s divine truth and justice on earth. You better ensure you have an answer.

Most people think that religious belief is paramount. These people rarely ask themselves what value these beliefs have on reality when it lacks actions. How stupid is belief without actual action?

Allow me to explain.

God the Creator loves and advocates truth and justice. When Zionists murder Palestinians and you as a human cannot see that as wrong, your religious belief has no value and you are fooling yourself.

Your religion, ethnicity, politics, prays, fasting, charity etc. becomes irrelevant if you are dishonest and cannot admit what the Zionist are doing to the Palestinians is pure evil. Please note, anyone who thinks that killing non-combatants and especially woman and children for whatever reason is okay, will be rejected by God the Creator. Your ability to be honest with yourself is the beginning of truth.

Cllr Yagyah Adams

Cape Muslim Congress




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