I would like to thank the Law Enforcement Services for their help regarding vagrancy on lower Chiappini Street in Bo-Kaap. Officer Noordien and Meyer are solving a matter of utmost importance.
For some reason vagrants decided to use the stoep and adjoining walls of a Mosque as a toilet. Some time ago St Georges Cathedral had similar issues as vagrants also used their open spaces as a toilet.
While we are all aware of the housing backlog and other social issues, there is no valid reason for vagrants to defile places of worship as it is these communities that feed and clothe the homeless.
Since the issue of vagrants is an old and reoccurring concern that will probably last some time, I suggest the metro police allocate toilet facility in the city centre for specific use at night. This will remove the excuse of the vagrants who complain that where else must they “go”.
For Cape Town to develop into the safe and affluent world class city that we all want and need it to be, the city cannot smell like a toilet. Tourists who explore the side streets and bohemian corners of our city cannot be stunned especially at night by vagrants who do not give a damn about hygiene.
More facilities outside of the city centre must be made available to ensure the urgent and continuous removal of vagrants from the CBD. While we are concerned about the vagrants struggling humanity we cannot allow a situation where people arrive at work or Mosque/Church only to find that vagrants defiled a doorway or a stoep.
Since the issues are complex, the first issue of business is the removal of vagrants from spaces and places where they cause added damage or offense.
Ratepayers, tourists and business have a right to a safe, clean and healthy environment and this starts with the pavement on which we must walk.
Once again thank you- Yassien Noordien Principal Inspector Law Enforcement Services and Officer Ricardo Meyer an to Cllr Dave Bryant for his help
Cllr Yagyah Adams
Cape Muslim Congress