Chaos is not an alternative

The Argus headline clarified everything. “Land invaders run amok”. An orgy of violence erupted across the city as land grabbers and invaders ran amok, setting infrastructure such as a school, clinic, community halls, cars and trucks on fire with impunity. The chaos, supported by the EFF is ironic.

Firstly, those doing damage has made no financial contribution to building the ruined infrastructure. They are not ratepayers, so the damage caused does not cost them anything.

Secondly, as Chairperson of the Municipal Public Accounts Committee (MPAC) for City of Cape Town we have witnessed the EFF member on MPAC replaced 4 times in 4 years. This suggests a lack of commitment from the EFF. Also, the EFF rarely attended MPAC statutory meetings. The EFF sadly never contributed at MPAC, probably the most important portfolio in Council.

The detail inquiries that happen at the Task Team level were and are utterly ignored by the EFF. This suggests that the EFF in the City of Cape Town have limited regard for valid process. The EFF sadly lacks the ability to participate where genuine and meaningful interaction is necessary. Thus it seems that in the City of Cape Town, the EFF merely seeks chaos.

Example, the Councillor who was utterly useless on MPAC and stirred on the MyCiti bus strike a few months ago causing many to lose their jobs, was promoted to a Provincial legislature.

We must remember that we live in a democracy where we vote for political leaders. These leaders, like it or not, then represent the will of the majority of voters. If people do not partake in elections or for whatever reason, do not gain authority, this remains a democracy. Democracy is a process where the rules must be respected. If your needs are not met, then vote for someone else next time.

Even the messengers sent by God clarified that chaos is never an option. Whilst many experience hardship, chaos is not the solution. We must fix the democratic process and punish those who are corrupt. We must vote for competent people and remove inability and stupidity from any and all authority. Anarchy and chaos with vandalism and violence has no role in a democratic governance.

Cllr Yagyah Adams

Cape Muslim Congress

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