Netanyahu is a servant of demonic evil

Anyone who thinks Prime Evil Netanyahu of Israel wants peace in the Middle East or wants to live as equals with Palestinians are living in a dream world. Thinking people must stop fooling themselves and see reality for what it is. Some people hate/fear the truth so much, they genuinely prefer to accept multiple versions of deception instead. Since truth is painful, some avoid it at any cost.

Example, decades ago I worked as a community development worker at a NGO. My priority was to keep families together that was ripped apart by drug/alcohol addiction etc. This was difficult as the mandrax drug flooded the Cape Flats. Often I encountered men that loved mandrax so much, they would sacrifice anything for mandrax. Once this reality was determined I had no choice but to inform the wife that holding onto her man was pointless as his love/need for mandrax was stronger than his love/need for her and the kids. Some woman would lashed out and made the process difficult but at the end reality was accepted. Ending any marriage is painful but when you are living with someone that generates endless chaos and pain, your own mental and overall survival instincts must kick-in.

For peace in the Middle-East to have a chance, Prime Evil Netanyahu and his key supporters must be taken to the International Criminal Court and executed until dead just like Saddam Hussain. Some people are a lesson to others and many will learn when the ICC executes Netanyahu.

Netanyahu among others is a war-monger and he loves war, general violence and bloodshed. He is a deceitful manipulative character that loves chaos and destruction and he takes great pleasure in overall human suffering. Killing and mass murder is okay with him because he lacks humanity.

Netanyahu is not unique as we have seen others like him before in Adolf Hitler and Mussolini of Italy. The two Generals in Sudan and many other political leaders are similar, they love killing. The signs are the same, as wherever they go or address people, innocent people are killed afterwards.

Prime Evil Netanyahu visited the USA recently and told Congress and Senate he wanted war with Iran. It is clear as daylight, when you kill your chief negotiating partner (Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas) during the on-going genocide in Gaza against Palestinians, you have no interest in peace whatsoever.

When you kill the family of those you negotiate with and then kill the negotiator you break all rules of engagement that has existed and you confirm you love and lust for violence and murder.

Netanyahu is not normal by human standards and history will confirm his insanity in due time.

Cllr Yagyah Adams

Cape Muslim Congress





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