The nature of divine justice
In this letter I seek to highlight 3 related issues: Gods Justice, the Ukraine war and its impact on us.
Before anything else, we must seek wisdom in the Abrahamic tradition of Judaism, Christianity and Islam. This is vital as those who claim to believe in an omnipotent Creator should not be swayed by political, economic, racial or cultural loyalty etc. A genuine believer is governed only by the desire for Gods justice. This separates the true believer from the hypocrite and those who pay lip service.
Many people fail to realize that culture, politics, ethnicity, language, social and economic status etc. has limited value with the Creators decree. Nationality, tribalism or your place of origin has no value at all. Those who kill or die in the name of anything besides seeking the Creators justice have in truth been deceived. It is said that three types of people will be judged first by the Creator.
The religious, political and business leaders will have a lot more to answer for, since the Creator gave these three groups special advantage. They shape the destiny of things. It is rare for leadership to arise from outside these groups. The blame for the mischief of a nation is usually the fault of these group as they generally define goodness or evil by the direction they give.
Example, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has little to do with ordinary Ukrainians. The Russians are targeting the politicians and business elite. To get to the elite, thousands of others may be killed. This is the nature of war. To understand the Ukraine war context, research is needed. NATO and its allies want to build military bases inside Ukraine to surround Russia for a “planned future war”. The Western Allies tried the same in Afghanistan but were crushed by the Taliban who, according to Pres. Donald Trump were paid by Russia to kill Western soldier. It was a logical trade, as the Taliban took back their homeland and received cash and Russia received assurance of security. Oddly, a few decades ago, the USA paid the Afghans to kill Russians which led to the collapse of the USSR.
In Ukraine the problem worsened when locals voted for a “professional” comedian for President, instead of voting for an educated person who knew history and political strategy. Ukraine should have remained neutral and not threatened Russia by wanting to join NATO.
The Monroe doctrine which directs USA foreign policy, “allows” the USA to attack, overthrow or subdue any nation, regardless of democracy and human rights etc. The USA invaded Cuba, Iraq and many other nations to maintain its hegemony. Russia is doing the exact same thing to Ukraine.
Whilst most war is evil, the reader should know that Ukraine is not without blame. They partook in many NATO operations in Iraq and elsewhere. The Nazi program is strong and Ukraine joined in the killing of nearly a million Jews during the Holocaust. This war could be construed as “Cosmic Justice”.
The political fall-out of this War will impact billions across the globe, as the price of oil surges passed $100 a barrel. A few Arab families and Western companies will benefit from this scenario.
Since Russia supplies 30% of gas used in Europe and 100% of some European nations, the prices of everything is increasing rapidly. Iran and Venezuela are both oil producers and under sanctions. Thus the price of petrol and transport of all goods and foods are going to increase globally. Little happens without context. Most conflicts are about making money and flexing colonial and imperial muscle.
Our petrol price is increasing in the week because of the Ukraine war and we are not even involved. The global economy is manipulated by a few evil families whilst the rest of us suffer. They have forgotten that nothing benefits you in the grave besides good deeds. Or maybe they do not care.
Cllr Yagyah Adams Cape Muslim Congress