It was with utter confusion that I read “Good news in municipal audits” page 4 Cape Times June 2nd.

Initially I thought the headline was a joke. Example in Gauteng which was the province with second highest number of clean municipal audits the figure is 33% which in reality is an absolute disgrace.

As a member of the City of Cape Town Finance Portfolio I have a general idea what constitutes a clean audit. Thus for voters to vote for the same political parties who govern the maladministration Councils is in truth financial suicide.

For years I have written letters focused on exactly how to remedy the situation. Sadly the politicians in authority are unwilling to listen as their huge mandate from the electorate actually made them deaf.

When any political party receives vast support, it ironically spells danger for our South African democracy as the levels of political arrogance becomes uncontrollable.

I have heard ANC and DA leaders mock smaller parties when they oppose issues that a blind person can see is a mistake. One major example is the building of 10 stadiums by the ANC and DA where about R50 billion was spend. Today, none of the stadiums are sustainable and little effort is being made to remedy the financial losses, 6 years after the Soccer World Cup.

Both the DA and ANC continue to appoint and contract their supporters to office with huge salaries while the wasteful expenditure continues. Across our nation there are thousands of inept officials who lack qualification, expertise and commitment yet manage billions in ratepayer’s monies.

Our democracy is in danger because those whom we trusted are often ignorant and arrogant.

It is therefore imperative that ignorant people are not re-elected to stop them from appointing more of their inept associates as officials.

The 2014/15 result states – irregular expenditure was R14.75 billion, only R10 billion could be traced.

What in Gods holy name happened to the R4.75 billion, did it disappear into the air?

Cllr Yagyah Adams

Cape Muslim Congress


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