Money in the furniture
Like many other locals, I do not have money left after paying rates, taxes, home loans, electricity, petrol, school and university fees etc. so I pondered, where people get money, to hide in furniture.
Either, they got the money illegally or hid “legit” money from the tax collector. If the money was illegal, it suggests, criminality and this threats the collective well-being of our nation.
Ironically, hiding legal income from the tax collector, submits the person considers the taxation system to be unfair. I think that our President hid the “legal” money, from farm profits but the President felt he was over-taxed, like most of us feel when we pay tax. So he hid his own money.
Since the President obviously dislikes paying tax, I suggest he rethinks the entire taxation system.
During Apartheid, the oppressed were promised free education. Since the ideal of “the doors of learning shall be open for all” has been betrayed by the liberation movements, I suggest that school and university fees and related expenses like books and transport costs etc. must be tax deductible.
Also, rates and electricity must be tax deductible. Those who pay rates, already paid for their own homes. Since most municipal houses are given free to the poor, they are exempt from paying rates. Rates increases impact mostly the middle class who ironically are already the majority taxpayer.
Since the poor have no money, the middle class grows the economy as we cannot afford overseas sojourns due to the exchange rates. Everything abroad is only available for the wealthy.
The Zondo Commission verified R50 billion was stolen and wasted by government. Thus, money in the pockets of regular South Africans is better for the economy than in the pockets of politicians and their friends. What is the value of the tax collector being superb at collecting tax but then the tax money is wasted and stolen by politicians and their friends?
Globally, the middle class is required for growing economy and creating employment. Logic suggests that wherever our government is involved, corruption, irregular and wasteful expenditure flourishes.
The reality is that only 18% of South African municipalities received clean audits. It is a reality that “cadre deployment” and overall incompetence is inherent in our governance and it is increasing.
Bottom line, more money in the hands of locals it is much better for everyone.
If the tax system was less punitive, less folk would hide money. Even the President will admit that hiding money in furniture was stupid and then only criminal would hide money in furniture etc.
Cllr Yagyah Adams
Cape Muslim Congress