The state of the nation

I said it before and will say it again, nobody is perfect and we all error. That is why the Torah, Bible and Quran confirms that divine mercy is immeasurable. Sadly, human mercy is extremely limited.

We are weak and repeat making mistakes and that is what oddly makes us more human. It was said, if the Creator wanted perfect humans, we would have been created perfect. We error and must always seek mercy which is part of the divine project. This awareness is vital for many reasons?

Example, we react out of anger, malice, cruelty, irritation etc. Unfortunately, this behaviour will not be a valid excuse on judgement day as behaviour must be guided by the Torah, Bible or Quran etc.

Also, since life is not perfect we must note, the Creator will test us. Some may question the reason but that is not the point as we are subject to divine authority and Heaven has terms and conditions.

The point is, situations will arise that will challenge our ability to behave. This test of integrity maybe our own actions or a divine test from above. Example, when you are a leader of people but only benefit yourself, whilst the majority cannot afford food, water, shelter, the message is obvious.

You have failed yourself, the collective and heaven above. When a leader (religious, political, social etc.) claims to work in the interest of a collective there must be results. Results may vary or take time but the less fortunate must benefit. When a leader has authority for years and there is limited results that leadership has failed and must be replaced with others that could yield better results.

When a leader clings to authority and does not want others to improve the condition of the collective that leader has chosen himself above the collective and that is against the divine order.

When negative energy arises and you defy the need of the collective, your journey to the Creator is in danger. Protecting your return journey and rejecting negative energy is a challenge. Individual success or failure and what you present to the Creator in terms of good deeds can and will be measured. We must all choose wisely since everything in this life has a result in the afterlife.

Omar 2nd Caliph of Islam said, do not look at the pray of a person but study the behaviour when the person has authority over others. Today, we have many performers/actors in political, religious and business etc. authority. They are turning society into a circus, with costly displays of nothingness.

Cllr Yagyah Adams

Cape Muslim Congress









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