Burning political issues that require a response
I have an odd sense of humour that can find irony in serious situations.
Example, since it has been exposed that the President hid millions inside his furniture I considered, did the President open up the furniture himself and then sew it back together or did he have help?
Also, why did the President not have a safe like regular people inside his home where money is normally kept or create a hidden compartment in the floor like in the John Wick movies?
According to reports the Presidents maid is Namibian, with all the local joblessness, why is the President hiring a foreigner at his home? What does this suggest about local work ethic?
Also, how did the maid find the money, was the re-sewing of the furniture done badly? Was the money hidden inside pillows or stacked under the pillow with no real effort. If so, can we blame the maid when millions are stacked in bundles and badly hidden? Who among us would have resisted?
Historically, I have read stories of politicians carrying cash in Pick n Pay bags to buy luxury cars etc.
In light of this, would it be rude to suggest that the Zondo Commission for “old times’ sake” create a special unit to search the homes of all politicians and government officials who have anything to do with contracts and supply chain management etc. to look for hidden cash, jewellery etc.
From my suggestion, it is obvious that I do not have money or jewellery etc. But as a South African rate and taxpayer that is paying more than my share I would love to see what my colleagues are hiding under the floor boards and inside the furniture.
We all know that the lifestyle audits done by some are a joke. Its time, like Dame Edna in the British sitcom series, “we go up that stairs” or in our case into the furniture and under that floorboards.
You do not need a university degree to figure out when someone is spending more than what they earn. I am not suggesting that we all start spying on each other because that sounds very “Soviet”.
However, it is obnoxious that those who steal from the rate and taxpayer enjoys the stolen wealth as locals are to well-mannered to suggested that we start checking what is hidden in the furniture.
Can we imagine what is hidden in the furniture or under the floors at ex Pres. Zuma’s house?
All we really need is to repair the furniture or floor etc. after the Zondo unit is done searching.
Cllr Yagyah Adams
Cape Muslim Congress