How do we define stupidity?

Stupidity is a fascinating theme that influences much of human history.

Let’s begin by asking, who/what is a successful/intelligent person?

According to the Creator a successful/intelligent person is earns/receives Heaven. Thus God sent Prophets to clarify the correct path. Ironically some people do not care and do as they please.

What am I talking about?

Some who will do whatever to benefit themselves regardless of the harm/injury they inflict on others. Though there is nothing wrong with ambition it is wickedness of those who purposely harm others to achieve their agenda. Thus the key to a good/decent life, is to avoid harming others.

Example, as I write this, anarchy grips Britain as working class white people create chaos. They want foreigners to leave Britain including East Europeans. Although some Muslim conspiracy theorists suggests that it is a Zionist plot to turn working class whites against Pakistani/Indian/Asian Muslims etc. the problem is much more convoluted and nuanced and it is in reality a global experience.

After World War 2 much of England was in ruins and many men were killed. England needed skilled labour and the ruling elite looked towards the colonies of Pakistan/India/Barbados etc. So, 80 years later the migrants are British citizens and detached from the colonies. Many prospered and built successful businesses which has created envy amid working class whites that cannot escape poverty.

Instead of understanding why/what/how/when/where, the classic working class reply is violence.

Those who import East European labour are the wealthy as East Europeans are less demanding and more civil compared to the British working class. This is why 70% of hotel and service staff in London are East European, they are white but more docile/subservient and cheaper than British whites.

Attacking East Europeans/Muslim/Pakistani/Indians etc. will not solve the British working class problem as the migrants provide services the British working class will not necessarily engage.

The statement may sound racist but it is reality. For a better wage, East European, brown and black people from Asia and Africa will clean toilets that the average British working class person resists.

So, who is the actual enemy of the British white working class?

Is it the foreign worker seeking legitimate/legal opportunity or is it the wealthy elite who imports docile/subservient cheaper labour or is it the snooty attitude of the British white working class?

Similarly, we can identify issues as it unfolds in Cape Town and South Africa. Should we pay a local plasterer/painter/tiler etc. more, when a Zimbabwean etc. works for less money and more quickly?

Does the race/ethnicity/religion/nationality etc. of a service provider matter or is the cost/quality of production the only consideration? In a global world, who is responsible for protecting local labour?

Cllr Yagyah Adams

Cape Muslim Congress











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