Once again residents of Naruna Estate in Plumstead are lamenting a move to Pelican Park “Residents in limbo over move” March 21 Cape Argus.
Ostensibly Pelican Park is considered a “huge step down from Plumstead”. Since the residents who cannot afford to pay rent in Plumstead will receive a new subsidised house, I suggest gratitude.
It is ironic that – in a society where people who demand free water and electricity and housing also want to dictate where they want the free housing to be located. What is the variance between tenants of Naruna Estate and Manenberg who invaded and demanded housing on the Rondebosch common?
All societies are built on guidelines that dictate order. For decades residents of Naruna Estate were a liability on ratepayers. Their fight is, since they have been a drain they are entitled to remain a burden.
What is going to happen when residents of Langa evicted from Kensington demand to return? What if those evicted from Claremont residing in Retreat, Athlone etc. decide that they want to return to the home from which they were evicted and their kids are entitled to have similar homes in Claremont.
The provincial Department of Human Settlement must evict those who cannot pay market related rental. Social Justice demands that those who can afford increased rental be given opportunity to enjoy a better quality of life. Those who benefitted from Apartheid laws cannot continue to benefit.
Many living in Naruna Estate had many decades to improve their quality of life and did not do so. They lived off the ratepayers long enough and this mental condition must end as there are other people who are more deserving of the provincial housing. It is ironic that the campaign against racism that receives much coverage in the Cape Argus seeks to separate poor white and black people.
With the market related rental increases the Housing Department will have more money to spend on other poorer people. Already the Housing Department maintains rental stock at ratepayer’s expense.
While we accept that there are many who cannot care for themselves, ratepayers cannot allow the indigent to dictate terms. The Soviet Union was an example and look what ensued there. Zimbabwe is another example of what can go wrong when law and order is replaced with the whims of the indigent.
Why must the middle class pay the majority of the rates and taxes while the rich employ lawyers to dodge taxes and the poor never stop demanding more? While we all have rights, we also have duties.
Cllr Yagyah Adams
Cape Muslim Congress