God wants us to learn and repent to improve ourselves

After decades I continue to marvel at the failure of people to learn and behave within reason etc.

In 1994 after centuries of suffering, God gave Black people nearly 75% of the vote and gave Whites 25%. After 30 years of corruption, murder, job losses, a lack of housing, clean, safe and affordable water and energy etc. Black people rejected their former saviour the ANC. Oddly, Blacks maintained 75% of the overall vote. Since Blacks cannot work together as is evident across Africa, the ANC to maintain power made a deal with the White minority. This is not a judgement on Whites ability to dominate but a reflection on the inability of Blacks to work together for their collective own benefit.

This irony is not a unique.

In the Arab/Muslim world, White’s, have mass murdered Arabs/Muslims one nation at a time whilst the other Arabs/Muslims waited their turn. Consider the war between Iran and Iraq where Israel and USA supplied both sides with weapons in exchange for oil and helped these ignorant Arab/Persians kill a million of each other helping Zionism and imperialism prosper for a few more decades.

How stupid were Arabs/Persians/Muslims not to see the obvious outcomes?

What is critical to understand is that God the Creator will probably not help the South African Blacks or Arab/Persians/Muslims in the Middle East because God dislikes stupidity and God wants people to learn and rectify their own mistakes so that it does not happen again. This is Logic 101.

The above does not suggest Whites are more intelligent as World War 1 &2 killed 110 million Whites. The wars merely suggests that killing each other and others is normal in human history.

Why am a sharing this obvious information?

The Torah, Bible and Quran teaches that the Creator does not change the condition of a person/s unless that people/s change that is within themselves. Meaning that God is not sending angels to find you a job whilst you watching TV in bed. Also when you cannot keep an appointment and do what is required God will not send angels to time back time or fix the situation as this is plain stupid.

Since South Africans keep voting criminals into government, praying to God to help our nation is ignorant. When people knowingly voted for criminals, is this pray logical, must God send angels to rehabilitate the thugs in government? Was it not easier just to stop criminals from having authority?

The Bible is clear, what you sow you will reap, it does not get more obvious than that. As long as South Africans vote for criminals and people without skills and qualifications, the majority will suffer.

Cllr Yagyah Adams

Cape Muslim Congress











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