A warning to those who support oppression
In the past century we have seen the rise, fall and evolution of many ideologies/movements etc. that have brought little genuine progress to the world. We have witnessed much destruction and death.
Today, as I predicted years ago Israel is the enemy of global peace and justice as the Israeli leader Netanyahu, a disciple of Satan, literally enjoys killing woman and children in Occupied Palestine.
Years ago, I suggested that Israel and Zionism is the main enemy of Judaism and today we witness the rise in global anti-Jew hatred which has spread across all faiths, communities, races and nations.
The hatred of Jews is a direct result of the mass murder of innocent Palestinian woman and children.
Whilst some pundits may attempt to explain the current anti-Jew hatred as historical, anti-Semitic etc. it does not change the reality that many diverse people want to harm/kill Jews if they could.
Years ago, I was one of the few voices globally that publically condemned the atrocities committed by Saudi Arabia against Yemen whilst western media and most Muslims remained very silent. I also condemned the Islamic State ISIS as their brutality was in reality focussed primarily against Muslims.
My opinion is governed by a basic logical principle. That is, “innocence cannot be harmed in any conflict and whosoever harms innocence becomes an enemy of God”. It is irrelevant if those killing others are Saudi/Israeli/Jew/Christian/Muslim etc. The principle remains, don’t harm innocence.
Those who fail to understand this basic principle either lacks reason and logic or supports evil.
Sadly, many become confused as they believe they must support their fellow religionists/tribe etc.
Even when their own people engage in evil, some will try and defend/excuse these actions/thoughts.
Thus Israel’s murder of defenceless/innocent Palestinians has sealed its fate. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Ismail has turned his proverbial back on Israel. There will be no peace and Israel as it exits will soon disappear as a nation state. God has destroyed Israel before and God will do so again. The genocidal maniacs that lead Israel are the enemies of God and God does not like racist arrogance.
Also, those fake Muslim leaders that look-on whilst Palestinian woman and children are killed will suffer. Their days are few and wealth and self-conceit will not save them. People may have forgotten what Saudi Arabia did to Yemen or what the USA/Britain did in Afghanistan etc. but God did not.
The USA, Britain, France and Israel the greatest terrorists on earth, will suffer greatly. God forbids oppression and all oppression will be avenged. Those who support oppression must know that God’s punishment is harsh. The wealth/pleasure of this world is not worth the suffering that awaits.
Cllr Yagyah Adams
Cape Muslim Congress