War Crimes for all
Pres. Joe Biden has called for Pres. Vladimir Putin of Russia to be tried for war crimes. This is excellent news as many have been killed by the Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine.
However, Pres. Biden cannot stop with Pres Putin, Pres. Biden must ask that Pres. Obama and Pres. Bush Junior and Senior and Pres. Clinton and every other Pres. and Deputy be tried for War Crimes.
Let’s work backwards, the attack and occupation of Afghanistan was illegal by international law and caused the death of probably 220 000 people. The 20-year war begun with Pres. Bush and carried forward by Pres. Obama. Both must be held liable as Pres. Putin of Russia killed a fraction in Ukraine.
Secondly, the war in Iraq killed from 500 000 to a million humans, half with violence and half died from limited water, food and medicine etc. The war in Iraq was also illegal and nobody measured the rape campaign etc. that begun with the arrival of the USA. The Iraq war was a “Bush family project”.
Pres. Biden must also investigate the Senators and Congress members that invested into the “Industrial Military Complex” by knowing beforehand which military companies would get contracts.
When you serve on the portfolio that give war contracts like weapons supply and clothes and food etc. to the military and then buy shares in firms before stock prices increase, it is insider trading.
This will lead to ex Vice Pres. Dick Cheney and many other members of the USA political hierarchy and their families who profited from American wars in the past 50 years. Mr Cheney was the CEO and Chairman of Halliburton from 1995-2000. This company had a direct interest to invade Iraq.
But why should we just look at global mercenaries, war mongers, invaders and war profiteers?
Under Pres. Zuma, ESKOM amplified their war against the poor. The Gupta family who enriched themselves from the Zuma era fled to Dubai where they live lavishly. Millions suffer without electricity and do not have access to quality food because they must pay for costly electricity.
Does a war crime, require only violent killing, what about initiating overall suffering for millions?
When will the crimes committed against the ordinary people of South Africa receive justice? Why can the Gupta family and others not be held liable, are they above our localised judicial system?
If the rulers of Dubai and other so called Muslim nations claim to be Muslims where is their sense of justice? Why are crooks allowed to pillage entire nations and then live opulently in Muslim havens?
Is punishment reserved for the less fortunate, are the political elites and friends above justice?
Cllr Yagyah Adams
Cape Muslim Congress