Since Dr Bernhard Ficker “Theory of evolution contradicts scientific principles” 30th Sept clarified the evolution dispute from my view, it is vital to focus on the issue of crime and social ethics.

While there is much to say about crime, the quote “It is a social problem” by the Minister of Police Nhleko was perhaps, most profound in its simplicity.

I sketch two scenarios for reflexion.

Some time ago, a Chairperson of a School Governing Body received a complaint from a parent who stated that his daughter was victimised. The claim was that a boy had looked down his daughter’s school dress at her chest and then told his friends about it.

Before the inquiry by the principal was finalized, the girl’s father shared his concern with other parents. Within days the integrity of the governing body and reputation of the school was questioned.

Ironically the principals inquiry uncovered that the boy accidentally looked down the girls dress as she was bending, which the girl admitted. For reasons unknown, the girl told the boy that it was ok if he told his friends. Minutes later she changed her mind at which time the boy had already told his friends.

Since the principal shared the outcome of his inquiry with the girl’s parents, the governing body has received no apology. Since then, the school governing body at great financial cost decided to install cameras at school to ensure the safety of learners and to protect the future reputation of the school.

Second scenario: a colleague shared a risky occurrence. A “lady friend” wanted a loan. While they were debating terms she asked what he would do if she yelled and accused him of inapt behaviour.

Since politicians are dependent on voters for re-election, reputation is vital. Had this woman screamed, my colleague’s reputation could have been ruined even though he was innocent.

I advised that in future he must consult with doors wide open and ask his secretary to interrupt during consultation with women. Thus no privacy, as he has to be more cautious of strangers seeking help. I advised that he request the admin to place cameras in the reception area to identify walk in visitors.

While the two scenarios may seem different, consider the following:

Had the young school girl done this elsewhere or later in life, what would be the outcome? Would her claims destroy a sneaky but innocent youth? What of her reputation if the truth was widely known?

What would have happened to my colleague had the woman yelled. Though the end verdict maybe in his favour, how does he free himself of claims that could tarnish his reputation and that of his family?

Equally how does an employer or person in authority defend themselves against racial allegations that have spiteful intent in an environment that makes poor but vicious people the automatic victims?

In the words of the wise it takes decades of good deeds to build a reputation, and mere allegations to destroy it. Since the burden is on the accused often the indicters walk free, now is this not a crime?
Cllr Yagyah Adams

Cape Muslim Congress

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