Be careful when telling the truth to the unworthy

A wise man said, words can be twisted, promises can be made to lull the heart and seduce the soul. In the final analysis, words mean little. They are labels we give things in an effort to wrap our minds around their nature when 99% of the time the totality of the reality maybe different. Throughout history the truth always wins. There are some people who seem powerful, but in the end, they fall.

What am I writing about?

As Libya tears itself apart, we reflect on the life of Muammer Qaddafi and his impact on Africa. Although Qaddafi was eccentric, we must ask if Libya is better off than it was under Qaddafi’s.

Before the invasion of Libya by the France and its criminal network, Pres. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton and others filled the global media with war propaganda that was lethal. As the saying goes, a lie can travel half-way around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.

Qaddafi warned that Libya would suffer greatly and that Libyans should tread carefully. As history records, Qaddafi was dragged, beaten and shot and then hung like a dog by his neck.

The words of Hillary Clinton on CBS News will echo for decades, “we came, we saw and he died”.

Mocking Qaddafi and North Africa was considered a funny by Hillary Clinton and others. As thousands drown crossing the Mediterranean and the suffering continues, we remember those guilty and those who did nothing since the truth, like the sun and moon cannot remain hidden.

Why did Sarkozy of France, Hillary Clinton, Pres. Obama and others kill Muammer Qaddafi?

Qaddafi had pre-empted BRICK’S and intended to create a African Gold Dinar which would have crippled the Dollar and Euro by forcing all nations to buy African oil and gold etc. with that Dinar.

The “Gold Dinar” could have been a global standard as the Dinar was gold and not paper or electronic money that has no intrinsic value. Qaddafi had tons of Gold Dinars that vanished after the NATO invasion, like the gold in Afghanistan and Iraq after the USA and its criminals invaded.

Bottom line, Libyan’s brought their current turmoil on themselves and the African leaders who remained silent as Muammer Qaddafi was killed revealed their cowardice and neo colonial status.

Things come apart easily when they have been held together with deceit and it is ironic how many are shocked by honesty and how few are not shocked by deceit.

The Dollar and Euro serves the interest of a few people whilst the global majority suffers. The manipulation and the on-going ratified global corruption to benefit a few cannot continue.

Eventually those who think they are powerful must die, they are human after all.

Cllr Yagyah Adams

Cape Muslim Congress







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