Politics is a dirty business

Since humans are innately flawed, we all make mistakes. To progress, we must assess ourselves. Introspection reveals truths that we must correct. Often it also reveals the deception of others.

About 20 years ago as a DA Councillor I endured years of abuse by some. Oddly as a ANC Councillor I also experienced abuse by a different but equally nasty group of people.

The DA’s alleged links to Israel remains an infinite weapon which some Muslims use to abuse Muslims linked to the DA. Equally Muslims in the ANC are held liable for every failure of the ANC.

After creating the Cape Muslim Congress (CMC) I was free from blame for the mistakes of other.  

Why am I sharing these thoughts 20 years later? 

What I learnt in this time exposes the pretense of political activity and the deceit of some people.

Example, some Muslims who abused me, secretly liaised with the DA. Others feared my success and their enmity stirred abuse. My work as a Councillor for communal progress was measured irrelevant.

Oddly during Apartheid some Muslim religious and business leaders cooperated with the National Party. Today these families are silent about their Apartheid links and why they did what they did.

In light of what was mentioned, the visit of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex to Bo-Kaap was ironic.

The royal couple were hosted by the same “activists” who accuse others of being “neo-colonialist and stooges” when you cooperate with white people. Those who entertained the royal couple at home are the same anti-colonialist who spew epithets at “whites” who want to “take over” Bo-Kaap.

The same people now curtsy and hug Prince Harry like old pals? Did they know that Prince Harry partook in the subjugation of Afghanistan on the side of NATO? In 2013 the Prince told the media that killing Afghans was like playing an Xbox game as he fired rockets from an Apache helicopter.

Are those Muslims of Bo-Kaap who hosted the Prince ignorant of history or are they just fake? While we have with freedom of expression, what we say today, we must be able to defend tomorrow.

Cllr Yagyah Adams

Cape Muslim Congress

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