Political shenanigans waste energy
I do not seek/want/wish to defend the Western Cape Minister of Education but I grasp the difficult task she is required to perform under conditions that is not entirely within her ambit of control.
The article on page 2 Cape Argus 14th Feb “Probe into safety” suggests posturing by Chris Nissin of the South African Human Rights Commission and Tony Ehrenreich former Cosatu provincial secretary. The problem is that both politicians, blame the Provincial Minister of Education when they know that the chaos in society is caused by the national governments failure to manage crime.
Both politicians also know that the influx of learners into the Western Cape are a result of serious failures and corruption obvious in the governance of the Eastern Cape. People flee the Eastern Cape because of the collapse in services, which includes Health and Education etc. Thus the Western Cape absorbs the failings of others while these provinces keep their budgets but fail to deliver services.
Similarly, another exercise in futility is military celebrations and exhibitions. What is the value of showcasing our military weapons and their ability to cavalcade when the military has a limited role in actually defending our nation? We have limited border control, so millions of foreigners and criminals are already illegally inside South Africa. Also, why do we have overpriced submarines, when the criminal is inside the townships selling drugs and shooting innocent people? How does parachuting out of an airplane stop criminals from robbing a fruit hawker or shopkeeper?
Chris Nissin and Tony Ehrenreich have long histories of activism, they hold leading positions and have the capacity to challenge those liable for the uncontrolled crime. They could challenge the Minister of Safety and Security, the National Minister of Education and the Minister for Military Affairs. These Ministers can assign troops into the townships and increase the provincial budget so that the Western Cape can support the consequence of the disaster that is the Eastern Cape. They have the capacity to inspire positive change. Attacking the local MEC for Education is unhelpful.
While I grasp the need for politicians to undermine each other before a national election, retaining integrity and actual services delivery will be remembered long after the spectacle of elections.
Cllr Yagyah Adams
Cape Muslim Congress